Recent Heavy Gear painting

Hello hello.

I’ve not updated this in a while but that’s OK. Just thought I’d share some things I painted recently. Two Hunter XMGs and a rebasing of a Vulture.

Pics after the jump.

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Pair of vehicles to start a Jotunheim force

It’s Easter weekend and I’ve just been finishing off a couple of models before heading out for a nice lunch.

These are the first 15mm scale models I’ve painted for use with my 12mm scale Heavy Gear stuff and I’m very pleased with how they came out. I bought them from Brigade’s wonderful Neo Soviet line a while ago, not completely sure what I’d do with them but with a rough idea to add a Jotunheim force to Heavy Gear. Jotunheim is a lost colony planet we know very little about other than that it was purchased by a collection of private individuals rather than an organisation or nation, and that despite looking on the surface like a fairly primitive herding society, it had a high-tech military which crushed the first attempt by the Colonial Expeditionary Force to ‘retake’ it for Earth.

I decided that I’d take aesthetic inspiration from soviet bloc style armed forces, but that the political culture of Jotunheim would be socialism and they would become involved in the CEF’s war with Terra Nova to fight the fascist Earthers but also eventually overthrow the various awful Terra Novan governments.

Continue reading “Pair of vehicles to start a Jotunheim force”

Iguana recon/electronic warfare gear

Oh I didn’t see you there. You’ve caught me writing a blog addressed directly to you, opening it with a traditional ironic youtuber opening.

This week I’ve painted my first Iguana, something I took aaaages to get around to doing considering the Iguana, Jager, Black Mamba, and Spitting Cobra are the four iconic gears of the Southern military.

I’m very happy I’ve now painted at least one of each and it’s interesting to see how my style has changed over the years I’ve been painting minis (how long is it now,.. four years?)

Pics after the jump.

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Badger APC for Heavy Gear Blitz


I’ve been carrying on with my little bit of painting every evening and just finished off a Badger APC for my Western Frontier Protectorate forces in Heavy Gear Blitz.

The turret slot is magnetised but I’ve only painted one of the turret options so far.

Infantry at 1/144 (12mm) scale and Hunter trooper gear for scale.


The Badger can hold two of the infantry squads you see next to it, or four two man teams
I initially had the rear door fully functioning (this is supported by the components, with a little interior recessed detail) but I found it was tricky to preserve through the painting process so in the end I glued it shut

Next up,… an Iguana recon and electronic warfare gear I think.

Eastern Sun Emirates force so far

Hey all

I promised another HGB player I’d stick up a picture of my ESE force so far, a mixture of minis I’ve painted and minis I bought second hand already painted in this scheme and rebased/altered/touched up.

I think they look quite nice.


Back row is a Longfang Black Adder, Spitting Cobra, Black Mamba.

Front row is a Blitz Jager, Jager, Stripped Down Striking Jager, Anolis Refit, and Dartjager.

In the Brigand ruleset I’m not sure how I’d field them. Probably like this if I had to (the force is under construction and I haven’t given much thought to the finish composition):

CG Alpha

  • Primary Unit SK – Blitz Jager, Dartjager, Jager
  • Support Unit GP – Stripped Down Jager

CG Beta

  • Primary Unit FS – Spitting Cobra, Black Mamba, Longfang Black Adder
  • Support Unit RC – Anolis Refit

It’s nice that in Brigand it’s almost always possible to cobble together a valid list from a handful of models : ]

Another Fer De Lance for my Honour Guard

Hi all

I’ve been continuing with my good habit of doing 15-30 mins of painting almost every evening at a specific time, as I chat with a friend before she goes to sleep.

This has resulted in a slow, relaxed process of painting minis that I’d previously primed and had been intending to paint for ages.

The latest of these is another Fer De Lance (my third) for my SRA Honour Guard in their purple, grey, and white scheme. He’s magnetised so I can deploy him as the stock, Slashing, or Force variant as I wish. He’s set up as the Slashing variant (with the powerful Medium Anti Tank Missile) here:


Read on to see the other variants and a group shot of my Honour Guard.

Continue reading “Another Fer De Lance for my Honour Guard”

Northern Mammoth strider painted!

I’ve recently been trying to stick to a habit of painting for at least 15 minutes every evening at about nine twenty. Having this time when I know I’ll be doing some painting while talking to a friend over Skype who encourages me has allowed me to get quite a few models painted up over the past few months. By far the slowest progress of these was on this model, the all metal Mammoth Strider for Heavy Gear Blitz. This is partly because it’s larger than most models I paint, but partly because it’s such a heavy miniature (it’s completely solid pewter) that I found handling it quite tricky and I was often rubbing paint off by accident.

Anyway I’m very glad it’s done and while it’s painted to a slightly lower standard than some of my models, I’m happy with how it turned out.

Read the full post for more pictures.

Continue reading “Northern Mammoth strider painted!”

Pitbull gear in Peace Officer Corps paint scheme

Another quick post with a model I’ve finished painting this evening. The Pitbull is a cheap and cheerful light trooper gear made by Paxton Arms of the Peace River city state in the Heavy Gear setting. It’s used by many groups, but is most famously deployed by the Peace Officer Corps of Peace River, who are basically a highly militarised police force.

I started painting this ages ago and since I’ve recently been trying to finish up models I’d started painting then stopped, it was an obvious choice. The sculpt for this one was a bit gnarly so I didn’t exactly go all out – I just wanted it to look decent, which I think I accomplished.

More pictures after the jump.

After I read a recent post on a Heavy Gear facebook group I decided to give him a nonstandard LAC, which I actually cut off an old Warzone plastic model.

Continue reading “Pitbull gear in Peace Officer Corps paint scheme”

Anolis for my ESE force

Hey all

I enjoyed working on that ESE Black Mamba duelist so much that I decided to paint a gear in Guillaume’s style to add to the group, rather than rebasing and touching up another prepainted model. Since they’re the ESE they like an odd mix of cheap military surplus gears and more expensive flashy mercenaries and bodyguards to the Emirs, so I painted up a cheap old Anolis Refit recon gear.

While you can still buy the Anolis it actually doesn’t have any rules in the official Living Rule Book, but is present in our Brigand Ruleset expanded model list.

The objective was to have the model fit in with the stuff Guillaume had already painted, but still fit with the way I paint. I don’t know what paints he used, so I had to approximate using what I have.

On the left, my Anolis. On the right, a Jager in the style I’m trying to replicate. Everything on the Jager except some minor touchups and the base was painted by Guillaume.

More individual pics below:

Continue reading “Anolis for my ESE force”