Epic 40k – Eldar Howling Banshees and army-so-far pics

Recently a got a whiteboard so my wife and I can write down things we need from the supermarket, chores to do etc and we can both just pick items from the list and do them, then satisfyingly check them off and have the other person wipe the board clean. It’s a nice fun way of doing things.

I had an item that said ‘paint at least one stand of aspect warriors’ because that’s something I wanted to do but kept putting off for some reason, so I decided to do a quick stand of Howling Banshees, as I think they have one of the best models in Epic.

Since I wanted to take pics of them anyway I thought I’d also take some quick pics of my entire Biel Tan force. It’s very much a work in progress, but it’s nice to see it slowly building in size.

Pics after the jump, as usual!

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Epic 40k – Eldar Biel Tan Guardians and a Deathstalker

Just a quick post to show off some Eldar Guardians I just painted as a little batch, and a Deathstalker hovertank colour scheme I’m fairly happy with. As you can see, I’m putting together a Biel Tan force.

I’d already painted one stand of these and the wraithlord, I just fancied doing some stuff in a batch – which is actually quite rare for me. Next I’ll do some more Deathstalkers and some Aspect Warriors, maybe some Wraithguard.

More pictures after the jump.

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Epic Imperial Guard Earthshaker Cannons

I haven’t finished any models in a while so I thought I’d post a work in progress: a battery of Earthshaker artillery pieces I’m making for my Epic Death Korps of Krieg Imperial Guard force.

Earthshaker battery ready to commence fire

The guns themselves came from a set of Basilisks, which have the exact same gun but on tracks. I took them off and plan to use the tracks to make Chimeras or something else similar. The crew I’ve added here are from Trolls Under The Bridge, some of them from their Greatcoat Command set and some from the Greatcoat Mortar squad. I think they look very good and I’m happy with the range of poses I have, from an officer pointing out a target to a soldier with binoculars to a gun crew doing some battlefield repairs on their gun.

I’m going to use some putty to make a mud effect on the floor and then these will be ready for painting.

Epic Imperial Guard – Krieg Ragnarok Tanks

I just finished painting this formation of Ragnarok tanks for my Epic Imperial Guard force. It’s a lovely model, with a bunch of stowage and nets and sandbags on the sides and the top of the tank – quite unusual in a 40K vehicle generally. I’m also very pleased with how the camouflage scheme turned out, as it’s my first time painting this sort of realistic vehicle colour scheme as opposed to more colourful Space Marine heraldry.


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Epic Eldar Biel Tan paint scheme

Just a quick post to show a couple of Epic Eldar models I’ve painted to work out the colour scheme/painting process I want to follow for my Biel Tan Craftworld force.

Front view of a Wraithlord and some basic Guardians with their Shuriken catapults
And from the rear

Epic Imperial Guard – Krieg Infantry Company

Hello! Today I finished painting some mortar squads for my Epic Imperial Guard force and realised I hadn’t put any pictures of them up yet. So here are some shots of my infantry company.

The Kriegers break from cover to charge the enemy through an artillery barrage. Note the Commissar at the left keeping watch for any signs of cowardice – as if that were necessary with men of Krieg!

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6mm – Epic Eldar Aspect Warrior paint schemes

I’ve been working on some more Epic Eldar – this time figuring out what paint schemes I want to use for my Aspect Warriors. Because I have a Biel Tan army list I get to field more of these than other Craftworlds and they’re a bigger focus for the army.

I decided to go with very traditional schemes – the ‘official’ ones used by the Games Workshop essentially, because these are pretty nice looking for one thing, but more importantly are very distinctive on the tabletop. It’s important to be able to tell which stands are which at a glance.

Because these are my first time painting 6mm figures and they’re the prototype which informs how all the other Aspect Warriors are painted, I spent more time on them than I will on their comrades.

L to R: Swooping Hawk, Dark Reaper, Howling Banshee, Fire Dragon, Warp Spider, Striking Scorpion

Continue reading “6mm – Epic Eldar Aspect Warrior paint schemes”

Epic Space Marine Vehicle Conversions

Hello! Since Bacon’s been posting some 6mm Epic stuff I thought I’d join in and show off some of the conversion work I’ve done. There are tons of old plastic Rhinos available cheaply on eBay, but some of the other Space Marine vehicles are harder to find – particularly the Vindicator, which I don’t think ever had a plastic model. Since most of them are heavily based on the Rhino chassis I thought that would be a nice conversion project. By filing off the doors on the front and top I made space for the various types of turret/gun, which I either build from plasticard or modelled using a mould from one of the official models.

Here’s a sample of the results:

From left to right: converted Whirlwind missile launcher; converted Vindicator siege tank; converted Predator Annihilator tank; and good ol’ plastic Rhino APC on which the other three are all based.

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6mm – Epic Eldar Wave Serpents

While I’m not very keen on Warhammer 40k or Age of Sigmar, I like the Games Workshop universe quite a lot and I’ve always had a soft spot for Epic.

Some time ago Olaf and I discovered Epic UK and their excellent updated lists for the Epic Armageddon iteration of Games Workshop’s nominally 6mm scale wargame set in the 40k universe. We’ve since played a few games – I have a Biel Tan Eldar force, rather small and with few of the miniatures actually painted by me. I got a lot of second hand minis from Ebay with pretty poor but not horrible paintjobs and for a long time I’ve been meaning to paint up more of my Eldar force myself.

I actually started painting my Wave Serpents a while ago with a very basic scheme, but I’ve only just gotten around to painting them properly. I really love the original Mk.1 Wave Serpent model (it is SO much better than the newer Mk.2 model in my opinion) and these were a lot of fun to paint.


Continue reading “6mm – Epic Eldar Wave Serpents”