Heavy Gear Blitz – Rattlesnake unit addon

When Heavy Gear Blitz moved to its latest incarnation – the Living Rule Book – certain models and variants that had existed in previous versions were left out. Several of these are older (in the fiction) Southern gears. The models for these gears are still available and still pretty dang cool, so I’m interested in adding them back into the game.

Thankfully this is quite easy to do because:

A) I have the rules/stats for the models in the previous edition of game

B) The Living Rule Book version of HGB is actually a system which is very easy to add to and work out a sensible TV cost for the model.

The fourth of these I want to add is the Rattlesnake, still available from the DP9 store. I present it here in the format of the LRB so others can use it in their games.



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Heavy Gear Blitz – Rattlesnake

Been painting up another obsolete old model for my mercenary compagnie in Heavy Gear Blitz. This time it’s the Rattlesnake which was an early strike gear, faster and lighter than a Jager and, crucially, armed with a medium rocket pack (MRP) rather than the light rocket pack of similar cheap gears (or even the Black Mamba strike gear!).

The Rattlesnake doesn’t have any stats in the Living Rule Book, but I will be posting stats up on the blog so others can add it to their game.

I’m pretty happy with how he came out. I think it’s clear my painting style is slowly moving toward higher contrast models with more variation in shade, but more gradual transitions

Note the tiny little camera head. The pilot’s head is in the armoured block below that, with a vision slit in case the camera gets blown off!

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