Heavy Gear Spotlight – Klemm

About Heavy Gear Spotlight


Code Name: Klemm

Faction: The North

Manufacturer: Norlight Industries

Height: 2.5 meters

Weight: 25,650 kg

Baconradar’s Summary: A super tough little support tank with two great variants

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Heavy Gear Blitz – Mother and Tanklets (Aller and Klemms)

I’ve just finished painting a third Klemm light tank and putting the three I now have on bases with mud/grass/tank tracks etc.

I thought I’d take a group shot with the Northern Heavy Tank, the Aller. All the turrets are swappable so I can make any of the variants of the Klemm/Aller. They aren’t particularly stunning paintjobs but I quite like the way they turned out.

As usual I include a gear and some infantry for scale (which is 1/144 by the way).

The mother Aller leads her little ducklet Klemms forward!

Continue reading “Heavy Gear Blitz – Mother and Tanklets (Aller and Klemms)”